Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wake up!

You think you know someone but one day you realize you don't know them. People seem to surprise us everyday with their outburst of frustration. They have repressed so much that it builds up so much; that eventually it is bound to come out exploding like a volcano erupting after being dormant for a long time.
However, people these days are too worried about Britney Spears state of mind rather than the more important issues that are affecting this chaotic world. There is too much fantasy and less reality disturbing our minds. We seem to disregard the high teen pregnancy rates and worry more about what Britney Spears is up to next.
So many people starving in the world, so many people without health care, so many people dying of aids in Africa, so many people being sexually exploited (human trafficking); the list goes on.
Now with these elections we are optimistic about change. We hope to chose the right candidate to bring this enchanted change we dream about, but we have to be realistic. We can try to save the world but all great things must come to an end. Global Warming has caught the world by storm. Some are quick to believe what they are saying but I think people should stop being so naive and actually research global warming thoroughly.
I'm not saying that I don't believe in the whole global warming theory; I'm the type of person that has to research and find and see proof for myself. Call me crazy I just like to be certain of things before I go off the wall. You don't sign a contract before reading it do you?
I wonder why we wait for bad things to happen before we start taking action? We see all the signs but don't do anything about it. I really do think that we have become ignorant.
We need to wake up! We need to stop talking about what must change and actually take some action. Things cannot change if actions are not implemented. However, there are so many things that must change; but what are the most important changes that must be made?
Yes, we need change but what are we willing to do to accomplish this change we so long for?
So what do we want and what are we willing to give? Those are the questions still left unanswered.
"We can try but we can't save the world" This is such a realist view point and I agree with it. One day the world will be gone and we will go with it but that's a long time from now. All we can do is live better, stay healthy, keep the world healthy, and try to keep everybody close to a harmonic state of mind.
We need to stop all this bull and stupidity. We need to wake up! You can sleep when you're dead. There is no time for mistakes; we must try to accomplish perfection and leave Britney alone. We are not suppose to be Gossip Girls/Boys leave that to Perez Hilton...let him gossip his heart out. I find it ridiculous how the media puts an abundant persistence of Britney's chaotic life rather than on the more important issues. I feel bad for her and I hope that she finds peace and sanity. However, she is not important, she is a human; people go crazy all the time and they don't get front page news! Seriously! There are more important things going on in the world than a fallen currently broken down crazy slutty pop star.
Young girls as young as 4 years old are being human trafficked. They are being sexually exploited but you don't hear about that because you're worrying about Britney! You don't know about the genocide in Africa or how the thousands of children now orphans because of aids have no shelter because there is no room in orphanages and no money to build new ones. You don't even know how there is no clean water in the poorer regions of the Philippines. These are the important issues that we have to worry about!
I leave you to ponder my statements; I hope I have broaden your mind. If you want to actually make a change join the peace corps. Helping people who desperately need our help is something everyone must do because it would be inhuman not to.

signing out

Friday, April 20, 2007

Loners: National Security

The ones that get picked on. The ones who are constantly humiliated. The ones who sit in the back; trying to hide behind their shadow. Their voices aren't heard. They are speechless. They write their sorrows, anger, and pain on my paper. It's so much they can take before one of them blows. They get fed up with the drama; they get sick and tired of the humiliation. Some of them don't have the courage to ask for help; or maybe they think nobody can help them. They commit suicides or homicides. People are left in chaos and bewilderment. They are shocked by the fact that-that speechless wonder could do such a horrific act. Then they want to dissect their brains. They linger about gossiping about the weirdo.
Loners are the people that should be supervised the most. The ones that have no friends, talk to themselves, act immorally, write about death, or draw horrific pictures. That Korean guy who killed those Virginia Tech students should of been kept in the mental hospital. He had a serious chemical unbalance in his brain. However, some loners are not crazy just anti-social though. That guy however was a lunatic.
They just need somebody to talk to. Someone that will make them laugh so that they may forget about their pain. Depression is a main factor that causes "loners" to act the way they do. Most loners choose to be different and for that they are exiled from their peers. Being different from your peers in school is how you ask for trouble. You become the weirdo. Most loners are not emotionally stable. They cry oceans. Those who have bad tempers end up like that Korean guy or those Columbine guys.
Therefore, should we be more afraid of the guy or girl who sits alone in class and has no friends than a terrorist? Should we be more aware of the loners? I believe people should stop making fun of other people. The more you humiliate a mentally unstable person; the reaction will be another horrific massacre. Because it will be too little too late when we do take action. First it was the Columbine Massacre, now the Virgin Tech Massacre. Didn't we learn from the first massacre? Now they want to take precaution! You can stop jerks from being stupid and making fun of people just because their different.
The ones that don't have a voice live in the darkness because that's the only place that they know themselves. Who will hear them? Who will bring the sun into their dark world? Who will turn their frown into a smile? Who will make their voices heard? The truth of the matter is some voices will never be heard because those voices will remain speechless six feet deep.